Eva Longoria

Nahá fotka Eva LongoriaEva je známá herečka a modelka. Přišla na svět 15. března 1975 v Corpus Christi v americkém Texasu. Byla již mnohokrát oceněna prestižními oceněními a nominacemi. Když byla malá, byla považována za nejošklivější ze sester. Přestože se zdálo, že nikdy úspěšná nebude, po maturitě jela do Los Angeles, aby se zúčastnila soutěže talentů. Nejen že sama byla uchvácena tímto městem, ale i jí samotnou byl uchvácený jeden z hledačů talentů a okamžitě s ní šel podepsat smlouvu. První televizní role, které dostala (například v seriálu Beverly Hills 90210), byly malé, ale ona chtěla být opravdu slavná. Poté ale přišel slavný americký seriál Zoufalé manželky, čímž se stala dostatečně slavnou a každý si její jméno zapamatoval. 7. 7. 2007 si vzala za muže basketbalového hráče Tonyho Parkera.

Eva Longoria v bikinách na paparrazi fotkáchPředtím byla vdaná za Tylera Christophera, se kterým se rozvedla v roce 2004. Španělské vydání časopisu People jí vyhodnotilo jako jednu z nejkrásnějších lidí roku 2003. Dvakrát za sebou, v letech 2005 a 2006 jí časopis Maxim vyhodnotil jako nejvíce sexy hvězdu ženského pohlaví. Kvůli nošení kožichů se ale v roce 2006 dostala i mezi nejhůře oblékané lidi. Byla nominována i na Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší herecký výkon v televizním seriálu, muzikálu nebo komedii. Jak již bylo zmíněno, jako malá byla považována za ošklivou. Na těchto nahých fotkách však jistě vypadá překrásně, jen si je prohlédněte!

01/04:  Eva Longoria slipping a nipple and showing off her silky smooth legs
12/11:  Eva Longoria caught showing buns in a green bikini and posing sexy
12/06:  Eva Longoria showing off her mega wild bikini thong ass on a yacht!
11/08:  Eva Longoria shows cleavage on the set of 'Desperate Housewives'!
11/02:  Eva Longoria all smiles in new sexy jeans and tank top photoshoot!!
10/06:  Eva Longoria behind-the-scenes at new topless outdoor photoshoot
10/01:  Eva Longoria signs autographs while showing her legs in blue shorts
09/23:  Eva Longoria caught in a bikini with her wild spakable ass on display
09/18:  Eva Longoria gets your engines revved when you see her a biker girl
08/28:  Eva Longoria cleaning house in lingerie & posing in bikinis & dresses!
08/20:  Eva Longoria cute as hell in shorts, matching blazer and sexy heels!
08/13:  Eva Longoria showing pushed-up tits in a summery white mini-dress
08/01:  Eva Longoria signing autographs at the Letterman show in li'l shorts
07/09:  Eva Longoria almost showing a bit of her ass in a super teeny dress
07/05:  Eva Longoria posing in a cute retro bustier, sexy bra, & a tight skirt
06/27:  Eva Longoria looks ultra flirty in a teeny tiny black dress with heels!
06/04:  Eva Longoria showing cleavage, tight midriff & cute legs for a shoot
05/07:  Eva Longoria on set in a yellow dress that shows her sexy cleavage
05/04:  Eva Longoria on the set of 'desperate housewives' showin' cleavage
05/03:  Eva Longoria looking ladylike in dresses & very sporty baseball gear
04/20:  Eva Longoria a vision of loveliness at the Screen Actors Guild award
04/03:  Eva Longoria heart-to-heart with a a chick & lesbo kissing! (movies)
02/01:  Eva Longoria in super sexy lingerie making out with a dude (movies)
01/24:  Eva Longoria shows the top of her legs & bottom of butt in a dress!
01/17:  Eva Longoria wild downblouse caps, bikini booty pics & lesbo kissing
09/19:  Eva Longoria adorable at recent interviews & posing in real hot pics
09/10:  Eva Longoria downblouse, white bikini tanning pics & bikini ass pics!
08/23:  Eva Longoria caught flashing her sexy bikini ass on a private yacht!
08/09:  Eva Longoria caught flashing her cute white panties on a movie set
08/01:  Eva Longoria tied up in sweet lingerie, & posing in a bikinis (movies)
07/23:  Eva Longoria seen showing her panties while running out of a trailer
07/12:  Eva Longoria has a killer bod in sweet red carpet dresses, & lingerie
07/07:  Eva Longoria fiesty in sweet lingerie in 'Desperate Housewives' caps
07/01:  Eva Longoria caught outside her trailer in sexy panties & a tank top
06/25:  Eva Longoria dazzling on the red carpet in a slim-cut beaded gown!
06/16:  Eva Longoria wicked teaser bending over in her tight low-cut dress
05/12:  Eva Longoria cute candid pics & sizzling hot posing shots in lingerie!
03/23:  Eva Longoria adorable in a strapless mini-dress and posin' in panties
02/24:  Eva Longoria cute 'n' cudly around house in a form-fitting tracksuit!
12/20:  Eva Longoria flawless, bronzed skin and petite body = perfect celeb
11/22:  Eva Longoria poses in silky thigh-high stockings for new amazing pix
11/16:  Eva Longoria slipping a nipple in a blazer & flaunting her hard pokies!
11/06:  Eva Longoria caugh doing a cool, sexy shoot in thigh-high stockings
10/26:  Eva Longoria posing naked with her hubby in her undone trenchcoat
10/07:  Eva Longoria shaving her her legs poolside & kissin' a chick (movies)
08/27:  Eva Longoria so stunningly gorgeous posing outside, in sexy dresses
08/22:  Eva Longoria looking totally bootylicious in a hot bikini, & in dresses!
08/08:  Eva Longoria in hot lace lingerie lying in bed with lucky guy (movies)
08/01:  Eva Longoria caught sticking out her hot bikini butt with water on it
07/26:  Eva Longoria simply loves to show off that hot junk in da bikini trunk
07/08:  Eva Longoria sexy in a cute bikini & posing in gorgeous black lingerie
06/29:  Eva Longoria letting her hot bikini bottom ride up her soft ass crack!
06/27:  Eva Longoria lets guy pull down skirt exposing cute panties (movies)
06/22:  Eva Longoria giving the paparazzi a rare look at her sexy bikini buns!
05/29:  Eva Longoria smoking hot in sexy metallic bikinis, shorts and dresses
05/28:  Eva Longoria looking cute in a sexy sundress, and caught in a bikini!
05/20:  Eva Longoria wild star likes to really sex things up on the red carpet
05/01:  Eva Longoria tight and amazingly sexxy in very slinky sweet dresses!
04/18:  Eva Longoria caught showing her cute bra under a tight navy blouse
03/28:  Eva Longoria caught sucking on an ice popsicle in her sexy bikini top
03/19:  Eva Longoria in a soft satiny dresses that hug every hot sexy curve!
03/02:  Eva Longoria doesn't miss the opportunity to expose that hot booty!
02/18:  Eva Longoria exposes her sexy crotch in tight jeans and a pink bikini
02/03:  Eva Longoria curled up on a chair in a sexy skimpy hot strapless mini
01/28:  Eva Longoria looking down at her own sexy, bronzed pushed-up tits!
01/14:  Eva Longoria shows the outline of her cute bra in see-through dress
01/06:  Eva Longoria showing her sexy hard pokies in a long brown sundress
12/27:  Eva Longoria caught with her sweet tits pushed up in a tight dress!!
11/21:  Eva Longoria changing in the bathroom, in super sweet black lingerie
11/16:  Eva Longoria diving into a pool, and exposing sweet perky bikini buns
11/11:  Eva Longoria showing off her flat kissable abs in jeans and crop tank
11/06:  Eva Longoria giving the paparazzi an eyeful of her sweet thong butt!
10/15:  Eva Longoria showering in a sweet, sexy bikini on luxe private yacht!
10/09:  Eva Longoria sitting on fire hydrant showing her amazing chunky ass!
10/05:  Eva Longoria shaking that sexy booty in a bikini and posing in lingerie
09/30:  Eva Longoria caught showering on a private yacht in li'l orange bikini
09/11:  Eva Longoria shows the paparazzi her dripping wet sweet thong ass!
08/14:  Eva Longoria caught out shopping in a sweet li'l strapless mini-dress!
08/03:  Eva Longoria showing sweet booty and lower back tattoo in li'l bikini!
07/29:  Eva Longoria posing naked holding just a sail around her amazing bod
07/18:  Eva Longoria gorgeous 'Desperate Housewives' babe in sweet lingerie
07/13:  Eva Longoria hot fox seen all oiled up on vacation in nice sweet bikini
07/09:  Eva Longoria goes barefoot in a super sexy, see-through white dress
07/01:  Eva Longoria caught in a skimpy sexy sundress, lunching with hubby!
06/24:  Eva Longoria looks really elegant on red carpet in a li'l backless gown
06/09:  Eva Longoria making dudes 'desperate' to see all of her sexy curves!!
06/03:  Eva Longoria gracious starlet signing autographs in skimpy hot dress!
05/29:  Eva Longoria caught spraying tanning lotion all over her sweet booty
05/13:  Eva Longoria aka Mrs Parker sexy in swimwear & tanning in nice bikini
05/04:  Eva Longoria hot star showing her buns in bikini bottoms in Los Cabos
04/21:  Eva Longoria posing in sizzling, sexy lingerie, and naked under chains!
04/16:  Eva Longoria posing in some gorgeous hot sporty clothing in new ads
04/10:  Eva Longoria seen rubbing tanning lotion over her amazing sexy body
04/02:  Eva Longoria posing braless in the kitchen in sexxy housewife lingerie!
03/22:  Eva Longoria caught walking around in a super sexy bikini & a t-shirt!
03/16:  Eva Longoria caught in a skimpy bikini, & so sexy in work-out clothing
02/25:  Eva Longoria teasing and tempting in super skimpy sweet red dresses
02/18:  Eva Longoria showing off lovely toned legs in fishnets and mini-dress!
02/12:  Eva Longoria hot star posing barefoot on a chair in a hot red tank top
01/24:  Eva Longoria wild babe showin' off her dynamite legs in hot mini-dress
01/12:  Eva Longoria looks super sexy in a lowcut dress at the Emmy Awards!
01/08:  Eva Longoria caught in a sexxy mini-dress at 'Victoria's Secret Show'!
01/02:  Eva Longoria looking flirty in lingerie, and caught in a sexy, pink bikini!
12/24:  Eva Longoria caught flaunting her amazing sweet butt in purple pants
12/21:  Eva Longoria posing in super sexy lingerie, and caught in a sexy bikini!
12/18:  Eva Longoria sexy star caught tanning on a boat in some cute bikinis!
12/11:  Eva Longoria cute star showing off soft slender back on the redcarpet
12/06:  Eva Longoria exposing her amazing sexy booty crack in nice pink bikini
11/26:  Eva Longoria hottie caught lesbo kissing in really sizzling sexy vidcaps
11/21:  Eva Longoria caught exposing that adorable tanned ass on the beach!
11/17:  Eva Longoria posing in silky stockings plus caught in a hot sweet bikini
11/12:  Eva Longoria wild fox spraying her sexy bikini booty with suntan spray
11/07:  Eva Longoria caught by the stalkerazzi in nice really sweet sexy dress
10/28:  Eva Longoria looking so sexxy in a strapless dress and in racy lingerie!
10/22:  Eva Longoria caught going out of for a jog in tight, sexy cotton pants
10/16:  Eva Longoria hot babe posing outside in a sweet, strapless mini dress!
10/11:  Eva Longoria sizzling hot boudoir pics, and amazing candid bikini shots
10/05:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi out 'n' about in her yellow sundress!
09/30:  Eva Longoria showin' off that famously fine ass in a sweet white bikini
09/25:  Eva Longoria exposing her sexy ass in skimpy panties and sweat pants
09/19:  Eva Longoria caught showing off nice tight buns in a sweet pink bikini!
09/14:  Eva Longoria wild babe caught working on her tan in a tiny little bikinis
09/09:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi in very sexy blue bikini in St. Tropez
09/04:  Eva Longoria caught revealing her sweet ass in tiny bikini by the pool!
08/22:  Eva Longoria aka sexy 'Mrs.Tony Parker' out in a lovely strapless dress
08/17:  Eva Longoria sexy bikini posing plus caught showing her butt on beach
08/12:  Eva Longoria showing off major ass cheeks and abs in a bikini & shorts
08/07:  Eva Longoria hot babe posing with two dudes in tight & sporty clothes
08/03:  Eva Longoria hot celeb showing off that sexy figure at a fashion event
07/23:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi sticking out booty in her white bikini
07/18:  Eva Longoria adoralbe 'Mrs. Tony Parker' caught in sweet, little bikinis!
07/13:  Eva Longoria gorgeous sweet newlywed in a blue, slightly sheer dress!
07/08:  Eva Longoria showing her incredible hot little ass while playing vollyball
07/03:  Eva Longoria hot babe latin dancing in a sexy red dress and high heels
06/26:  Eva Longoria 'Desperate Housewives' fox in strapless dress & in lingerie
06/11:  Eva Longoria lookin' so adorable at an awards show in her satiny dress
06/02:  Eva Longoria naughty upskirts while playing in her vollyball tournament
05/22:  Eva Longoria caught tanning in her soft pink bikini and posing sans bra
05/16:  Eva Longoria looking totally delicious in black lingerie with sexxy boots!
04/22:  Eva Longoria posing in super sexxy dresses, and sitting on a motorcyle
04/17:  Eva Longoria looking really sexy in the kitchen in silky, black stockings!
04/02:  Eva Longoria super sexxy lingerie pics, plus candid paparazzi bikini pics
03/28:  Eva Longoria looking so super-sexy in a braless dress, & in soft lingerie
03/20:  Eva Longoria petite dynamo posing in lingerie, and stripping in bedroom
03/04:  Eva Longoria looking sexy in lingerie, plus sizzling hot in semi-nude pics
02/24:  Eva Longoria petite fox poses naked in chains & nude sitting on a chair
02/19:  Eva Longoria hot starlet poses strategically nude on a chair & in chains
02/14:  Eva Longoria sexy babe posing naked in chains and seducing in lingerie!
01/19:  Eva Longoria petite star braless in plunging dress & sexy in wild lingerie
01/12:  Eva Longoria stripping down to sexy, lacey lingerie before enjoying sex!
01/07:  Eva Longoria caught out in hollywood in a sexy red blouse & black skirt
12/27:  Eva Longoria sexy babe posing in thigh-high stockings and soft lingerie!
12/10:  Eva Longoria posing topless in a skirt with a fur scarf over sexy nipples
11/30:  Eva Longoria looking so amazingly gorgeous in her strapless lacey dress
11/10:  Eva Longoria gorgeous, bikini-clad starlet caught soaking up some rays
10/31:  Eva Longoria looks completely gorgeous on the red carpet in silky dress
10/26:  Eva Longoria caught exposing lower back tattoo and tight ass in pants!
10/15:  Eva Longoria caught by the paparazzi poolside in her very skimpy bikini!
09/23:  Eva Longoria petite fox caught smoking and sunbathing in a white bikini
09/12:  Eva Longoria on the red carpet without a bra in a sweet low-cut dress!
08/29:  Eva Longoria looking completely gorgeous outdoors in a white sundress!
08/03:  Eva Longoria touching her amazing breasts through her shimmery dress!
07/28:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi running in a purple mini dress & socks
07/14:  Eva Longoria caught braless in an extremely hot plunging neckline dress
07/05:  Eva Longoria sizzling in silky fishnets, thigh-high stockings & hot lingerie
06/12:  Eva Longoria hot babe works the redcarpet in her daring, low-cut dress
05/26:  Eva Longoria looking so sensationally sexy in black, thigh high stockings
04/02:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi in wild bikini rubbing lotion on her ass
03/14:  Eva Longoria caught sunbathing in a li'l sweet bikini with cute girlfriends
02/20:  Eva Longoria sexy babe teasing in hot bikini and seducing in fine lingerie
02/06:  Eva Longoria caught by the paparazzi tannin' that really adorable booty
01/28:  Eva Longoria super hot lingerie vidcaps & really hot candid cleavage pix!
01/18:  Eva Longoria candid paparazzi bikini pics, plus sweet lingerie posing pics
12/24:  Eva Longoria looks super hot in jet black lingerie with leather heel boots
12/07:  Eva Longoria showing hot cleavage in push-up dress & sexy ass in bikini
11/29:  Eva Longoria 'Desperate Housewives' fox so sweet in a sheer pink dress!
11/23:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi flashing her bikini covered ass by pool
11/16:  Eva Longoria wickedly sexy in thigh high stockings and hot sheer lingerie
09/26:  Eva Longoria gorgeous starlet revealing her juicy buns while sunbathing!
09/21:  Eva Longoria sexy babe poses on the floor in cute short and sheer dress
09/11:  Eva Longoria petite babe sticking out that delicious bikini covered booty
08/28:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi stretching out by a pool & takin' a dip
08/21:  Eva Longoria caught by paparazzi tanning her ass poolside in a hot bikini
07/17:  Eva Longoria exposes her amazingly tight midriff and very sexy cleavage
06/01:  Eva Longoria wicked petite latina housewife posing on a kitchen counter
01/20:  Eva Longoria horny homemaker looking wicked sexy in lingerie and bikinis
11/14:  Eva Longoria 'Desperate Housewives' vixen seducing her dude in lingerie!

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